Set in a childcare centre called Big Oak, Little Acorns is a new Australian comedy series that will be available exclusively through YouTube from 1st September. The series will be told in nine parts, running in bite-size 3-5 minute episodes. Written and directed by Maria Theodorakis and Trudy Hellier, Little Acorns shows adults behaving like children, pranking, fighting and being generally outrageous childcare workers.
Theodorakis speaks of her inspiration for Little Acorns: “We wanted to celebrate the world’s unsung heroines, but ultimately we wanted to make a show about women behaving badly.” Hellier adds, “These are women we all know but rarely see on our screens. They are bold, fearless, contradictory and ridiculously funny.”
Little Acorns features the little-known side of childcare. “We are tired of seeing women in stereotypical roles; men are having all the fun and we’re always telling them to behave”, says Hellier. “We aim to usurp these stereotypes and challenge the whole idea of what it is to be a caring female.”
“Because we both come from acting backgrounds, we were able to approach actors whose work we loved and write specifically for them, giving the characters a wonderful authenticity,” Theodorakis says.
“Writing for them was a joy and it’s been exciting to see what they’d bring to their roles. Rachel Griffiths joining us was a testament to the quality of the work and icing on the cake for us” Says Hellier.
Also featured in the cast are Emily Taheny (Mad as Hell, Open Slather, Chaser’s War on Everything), Belinda McClory (The Matrix, The Dr. Blake Mysteries, Kath and Kim), Fanny Hanusin (The Slap, Offspring, Bogan Pride), Nikki Shiels (The Eye of the Storm, Rush, The Greatest Love of All), and Matt McFarlane (The Dr. Blake Mysteries, Blue Heelers, Neighbours).
Screen Australia’s Investment Manager, Mike Cowap, says of the series, “We’re thrilled to have supported this first season of Little Acorns, the team know their audience. Binge viewers are recommended to arrange care for their children in advance to achieve maximum viewing enjoyment.”
Little Acorns investigates the world of parents, toddlers, food allergies, and attempts to answer important questions like “Is green poo normal?”
Watch the Little Acorns trailer below:
Little Acorns will be available to watch from 1st September HERE.