The first Godzilla film in a decade, Shin Godzilla has officially released its new trailer, and it’s been confirmed for a cinematic release in Australian and New Zealand.
Given the oversupply of rather poor Godzilla films that have flooded our screens over the years (don’t mention 1998), the trailer suggests that this release will at least be far more authentic.
Written and directed by Hideaki Anno, the visionary filmmaker behind Evangelion, the King of Monsters receives a terrifying resurgence for a new generation in Shin Godzilla. Not only is this the tallest incarnation of Godzilla ever to appear on-screen, but the monster is also heavily inspired by the iconic 1954 original.
The tagline for the film is, “A God incarnate. A city doomed.” If that’s what God looks like incarnate, no wonder I don’t go to church anymore…
Check out the trailer below.
Shin Godzilla out through Madman Films in Australian cinemas from October 13 and New Zealand cinemas from October 20. Tickets and cinemas available from