Noomi Rapace (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Prometheus) has been cast in the upcoming psychological thriller Angel of Mine, directed by Kim Farrant (Strangerland).
Set in Melbourne, Angel of Mine follows a mother still struggling to cope with the loss of her daughter, becoming obsessed with a stranger’s daughter she believes to actually be her own. As her obsession continues, she becomes more entwined with the life of this young girl, and loses touch with reality.
Director Kim Farrant commented on the project, saying “What I love about this beautiful script (apart from the insanely brilliant Noomi) is that it’s about intuition. We all know what it’s like to know something deep in our bones and yet fall into the trap of doubting ourselves, and that questioning can drive us crazy.”
While a release date or window is yet to be announced, the project is scheduled to commence shooting in Melbourne in April 2018.