South Park takes aim at James Woods in new Fractured But Whole Casa Bonita DLC

Earlier this week, the secondĀ South Park: The Fractured But Whole DLC, “From Dusk Till Casa Bonita”, was released – featuring a brand new story line that pegs the goths against the vamps, adding a class that you can take back to the main game with you, and introducing Henrietta as an ally. It also brings in some new mini-games by way of an arcade in the restaurant, and allows you to play a version of the much-talked about Kanye West mini-game whenever you want.

It’s a brief but enjoyable addition to the game that takes us to the real-life Denver restaurant Casa Bonita, that was made infamous by a South Park episode many years ago. It also serves to quell our appetite for new South Park episodes, with a new series not due until September/October.

Though the addition doesn’t add too many topical references (The Lost Boys doesn’t exactly count as “topical”), the creators do take the added story line as an opportunity to take a number of shots at actor James Woods, who has become known for dating women some 50 years his junior. An open letter from Amber Tamblyn last year also accused the actor of being “predatory” and attempting to pick her up when she was just 16.

Throughout the DLC, a number of jokes are made at Woods’ expense by one of the characters (Mike Makowski’s Stepdad, whose “real passion is stand-up comedy”) in the game. He refers to one part of the game is referred to as “more fun that a sweet sixteen party at James Woods’ house huh?”… and when delivering some of that comedy, tells a couple of jokes… “who wants to hear a joke? James Woods walks into a Forever 21.” and, “James Woods dates someone his own age. The end.”

You can watch the trailer for the DLC here:

South Park: The Fractured But Whole is available now on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC, with a Nintendo Switch edition dropping next month. You can grab this DLC as a standalone now, or alongside the already released “Danger Deck” DLC that came out in December by getting your hands on the Season Pass.

This will also give you access to a future DLC “Bring the Crunch” that is set to revolve around Mint-Berry Crunch, a character notably absent from the original release, in spite of being featured in some of the early artwork for the game. A release date hasn’t yet been confirmed for it, but expect it later this year.


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Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.