With the film screening at SXSW earlier this month, we hit the red carpet to meet Sybil Rosen, the muse of songwriter Blaze Foley, who co-wrote the screenplay for the new film Blaze, directed by Ethan Hawke. The film documents Foley’s life, and sees Rosen played beautifully by Alia Shawkat (pictured in character above with Ben Dickey, who plays Foley).
We talk to Rosen about collaborating with Hawke on the film – which is in essence an adaptation of Rosen’s book about Foley’s life – and what it means to her to have more people become familiar with Foley’s music, through the film and the books and documentaries that preceded it.
We also meet Josh Hamilton, who plays Foley’s friend and bandmate Zee in the film. We talk about his character and the film here:
Blaze screened at SXSW earlier this month.