In collaboration with Telltale Publishing, Night School Studios have officially released a text adventure game based on the TV series, Mr Robot. The mobile title, Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltratiOn is currently available for IOS and Android-based devices.
The mobile title is set during the first season of the television series and is intended to extend the show’s narrative. Players will interact with characters of the underground hacker group, fsociety, through the mysterious new E Corp Messaging app. Players must communicate with different members as they race to recover data that they need to hack the multinational company, Evil Corp.
All interactions are completed through a text-based system. Those who have played any of the previous Telltale games will be familiar with how this game plays. Each time you are contacted by a member of fsociety you will need to pick from a predetermined set of responses. Depending on the response you choice, the outcome of the conversation and the game may change. This means that you must carefully think about what outcome you want out of each conversation and choice the response that could get you there.
Check out the behind-the-scenes trailer below that introduces the E Corp messaging app.
Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltratiOn is currently available for AU$4.49 on the iOS App Store and the Google Play store.