HBO’s Game of Thrones will return for it’s sixth season in a matter of weeks now, and following a secret premiere over in the states, it’s just been highlighted with a second – and probably final – trailer, even more intense than the first and giving us a closer look at some of the storylines we’ll be following this year. The new footage shows glimpses of characters we haven’t seen for awhile, including Bran, Walder Frey, and Theon’s sister Yara.
It’s also looking like The Night’s King and his army of White Walkers aren’t backing down anytime soon as Tyrion is off managing a foreign city, Jamie is squaring off with The High Sparrow, Cersei is back to making dramatic threats, and Jaqun H’ghar is giving a blind Arya a second chance. Watch the full trailer below and look out for when Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres on Foxtel in Australia on Monday 25th April.