For the second time this year, a film will take us through Aokigahara or Japan’s Suicide Forest, this time with Gus van Sant, Naomi Watts and Matthew McConaughey in the emotional drama The Sea of Trees.
The film will follow McConaughey’s character as he travels to Japan with the intention of taking his own life, and decides instead to help a Japanese man (Ken Watanabe) who’s lost his way. The film reaches its apex at a campfire discussion on whether life is worth living.
Where the Jason Zada and Natalie Dormer flick The Forest fell a little short earlier in the year, it looks as if The Sea Of Trees could meet the same fate after being unanimously booed at the Cannes premiere.
The film has been picked up by A24 in the U.S and is being produced by Ken Kao, Gill Netter, Kevin Halloran, F. Gary Gray, Brian Dobbins, and Allen Fischer.
It is currently set for an August 26 release.