Based on the hit HBO dramedy series, movie star Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) is back with his hometown entourage – Eric, Turtle and Johnny “Drama” and back in business with super-agent-turned studio-head Ari Gold. And although their ambitions might have changed over the years, the bond between them remains strong as they navigate the cutthroat and capricious world of Hollywood.
Written and directed by series creator Doug Ellin, the big-screen version of the award-winning show is also produced by Hollywood star Mark Wahlberg whose experiences as a young actor inspired the series. Series regulars Debi Mazar, Rex Lee, Perrey Reeves and Emanuelle Chriqui answer the silver screen casting call where they are joined by Billy Bob Thornton, Haley Joel Osment and a cavalcade of industry cameos. Entourage the movie was released earlier this month on Blu-ray and DVD and to celebrate we’ve got FIVE Blu-ray copies to give away!
For your chance to win, email with the subject line ENTOURAGE. Make sure to include your full name, a contact number, address, and that you send from the email address you use most often.
Competition closes October 20th at noon. Good luck!