Set against the backdrop of the French Guiana in South America, Ouro tells the story of 20-year-old French geology student Vincent (Spinosi), who is sent to undertake an internship at a gold mining company. He soon becomes convinced an abandoned mine is worth millions and is taken under the wing of local ‘gold lord’ Antoine Serra (Rabourdin). From Serra, who acts like a father to him, Vincent learns everything there is to know about the business. Tensions rise however to a full-sledged war, when their Brazilian competitors found out that the mythical mine is in fact not a legend.
The French TV series Ouro (aka Guyane) explores the incredibly lucrative and even more dangerous world of gold trafficking. The critically acclaimed series will air on SBS 11th September and be releasing on DVD on 27th September 2017, and we’ve got TEN DVD copies to give away.
To enter just fill in the form below. Competition closes September 27th at noon.