The 2012 Academy Award-nominated documentary The Act Of Killing directed by Joshua Oppenheimer has now been released on DVD and Digital thought Madman. This chilling and inventive documentary, executive produced by Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man) and Errol Morris (The Fog of War), the unrepentant former members of Indonesian death squads are challenged to re-enact some of their many murders in the style of the American movies they love.
In a country where killers are celebrated as heroes, the filmmakers challenge unrepentant death squad leaders to dramatize their role in genocide. The hallucinatory result is a cinematic fever dream, an unsettling journey deep into the imaginations of mass-murderers and the shockingly banal regime of corruption and impunity they inhabit. This stunning yet chilling documentary is out now on DVD and digital and we’ve got FIVE copies to give away!
For your chance to win, email [email protected] with the subject line THE ACT OF KILLING. Make sure to include your full name, a contact number, address, and that you send from the email address you use most often.
Competition closes February 27th at noon. Good luck!