The Secret Life of Pets is a comedy about the lives that pets lead after their human companions leave for school or work each day. The animation follows Max (Louis C.K.) a rescue dog who’s convinced that he’s the centre of owner Katie’s (Ellie Kemper) universe, finds his ideal relationship shattered when she brings home another rescue – a giant, unruly mongrel named Duke. The reluctant canine duo soon finds themselves on the scary streets of New York.
They have to set aside their differences to fight off a fluffy, yet evil and cunning bunny named Snowball (Kevin Hart) who’s building an army of abandoned pets to overtake the humans and at the same time, escape from the men at the pound who are constantly trying to catch them, all this and making it home before Katie returns at dinnertime. The Secret Life of Pets has its home entertainment release on December 7th and to celebrate we’ve got TEN DVD copies to give away.
To enter just fill out the form below. Competition closes December 7th at 10pm AEDT.