In 2005, the creator of Buffy and Angel, Joss Whedon, brought us the feature film Serenity (a follow on from the short lived series Firefly) and now it’s returning to the big screen as part of Sydney’s In The House season next Friday, August 19th!
In this continuation of the television series “Firefly,” a group of rebels travels the outskirts of space aboard their ship, Serenity, outside the reach of the Alliance, a sinister regime that controls most of the universe. After the crew takes in Simon (Sean Maher) and his psychic sister, River (Summer Glau), whom he has just rescued from Alliance forces, they find themselves being pursued by the Operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an Alliance agent who will stop at nothing to find them.
The In The House film series happens at the Event Cinemas on George Street. Join David “Quinny” Quinn from Supanova Pop Culture Expo and Jason “Jabba” Davis from Channel Seven to celebrate this incredible film the way it was supposed to be seen! Prizes and fun times await “In The House”.
In anticipation for the screening on Friday the 19th, we have a double pass to the screening to give away! To enter just fill out the form below. Competition closes on August 17th at 8pm AEST. Winners will be contacted on the morning of the 18th.
Don’t win? Tickets are only $13 (or $11 if you’re a Cine Buzz member). Tickets are selling fast so get yours now!