Set within the heady, dangerous world of global cybercrime, Blackhat – the explosive new thriller from revered director, Michael Mann (Heat, Ali, The Insider, Collateral)– follows furloughed convict and top notch computer hacker, Nick Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth), and his American and Chinese partners as they hunt a high-level cybercrime network from Chicago to Los Angeles to Hong Kong to Jakarta.
The Australian premiere of Blackhat is happening at The Ritz in Randwick, Sydney on May 13th at 7pm. It’s your only chance to see this new thriller on the big screen and we’ve got TWO double passes to give away!
For your chance to win, email with the subject line BLACKHAT. Make sure to include your full name, a contact number, and that you send from the email address you use most often.
Competition closes May 10th at noon. Good luck!